In the last thirty years, D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. has helped treat symptoms in over 1,000 babies. Below you will read just a few testimonials from grateful parents. There is also a video testimonial link Here.
Baby Kasen's Testimony

While pregnant with our second son I had never been more sick, I could hardly keep any food down or eat without getting heartburn and acid reflux. It was only a sign of what was to come. Kasen was born on 2/8/21 and everything “seemed” okay. My symptoms went away within a day of his birth. We quickly noticed by two weeks old his eating habits and stools were not what they should be. He would “be hungry” every hour to two hours. He had loose muscus-y stools in EVERY diaper and strained like he was constipated. We visited our PCP when BLOOD appeared in his stools. We were told here is some cream for the fissure, but were told he was too young for any medication for the straining and I felt it was more of, tough luck you have to deal with it. We went another week to week and a half and he was getting worse. Regular blood in his stools, straining constantly, eventually would not lay on his back, only wanted held, his leg would shake like a seizure, and crying. We thought maybe it was something I was eating, I cut diary and everything that wasn’t bland; no success.
A friend of mine had mentioned if your baby has colic remember the name Dr. Scharenberg, he’s a chiropractor and did wonders for our daughter. I kept having a nagging feeling that we were dealing with colic, but when I mentioned it to my husband, he kept saying he’s not crying all the time it can’t be colic. We eventually went to the colic website and reviewed the colic checklist. Not only were there more symptoms than just “crying all the time,” our little guy had more than a dozen symptoms.
After our first appointment we saw an immediate difference. His stools changed. They were more like newborn stools should be. After 3 treatments, he didn’t have poop in every diaper. He would sleep for longer stretches, go longer in between nursing/bottles, less gas, and less straining! After 12 treatments we had the happy baby we knew he could be. Everyone in our house is so happy! Kasen loved going to see his buddy Dr. S and we did too. We are so thankful for Dr. Scharenberg and his staff! We would make the same decision over and over again for the relief and comfort he provided for Kasen.
A friend of mine had mentioned if your baby has colic remember the name Dr. Scharenberg, he’s a chiropractor and did wonders for our daughter. I kept having a nagging feeling that we were dealing with colic, but when I mentioned it to my husband, he kept saying he’s not crying all the time it can’t be colic. We eventually went to the colic website and reviewed the colic checklist. Not only were there more symptoms than just “crying all the time,” our little guy had more than a dozen symptoms.
After our first appointment we saw an immediate difference. His stools changed. They were more like newborn stools should be. After 3 treatments, he didn’t have poop in every diaper. He would sleep for longer stretches, go longer in between nursing/bottles, less gas, and less straining! After 12 treatments we had the happy baby we knew he could be. Everyone in our house is so happy! Kasen loved going to see his buddy Dr. S and we did too. We are so thankful for Dr. Scharenberg and his staff! We would make the same decision over and over again for the relief and comfort he provided for Kasen.
8 Week old Baby girl testimonial

I want to share our story about colic and Dr. Scharenberg.
We had our first baby in May '19. We were overjoyed but quickly realized that our son had something causing him immense pain. Our son would constantly cry. He was inconsolable. We couldn't lay him on his back. He would only sleep for 10-30 minutes at a time. He pulled his legs up to his chest, arched his back, and had a hard, distended belly. He hated tummy time. He constantly spit up large volumes, constantly had hiccups, and constantly had pain with gas/BMs. He refused a binkie, screamed on every car ride, and always wanted to be in motion and held upright. He always had clenched fists. The list could go on. We started to try everything to relieve his pain. We tried acid reflux medicine, gas drops, mylicon, gripe water, probiotics, bicycle kicks, belly rubs, belly band. We had his tongue and lip tie revised. The revision only helped him nurse better but did not help with the other symptoms. Although, I still recommend a revision if your baby has a tie because of all of the health benefits. However, it did NOT fix the colic. I cut out everything from my diet. I did every diet I could find that was said to help colic. I cut out the top 7 allergens. I went to doctor after doctor. No doctor ever seems sure of the "advice" they gave me. I was told to just stick it out, just hold him, he will get over it, he is just a baby, babies just cry, he has acid reflux, on and on and on. We would just trade off trying to rock and soothe our son for HOURS. We even had our son tested for seizures because of how he was constantly flinching. The doctors didn't quite understand when his tests came back normal. They wrote it off as stomach pain. But nothing made sense. Nothing answered the questions. Nothing solved the pain. The incessant crying was/did drive us crazy. Sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, depression, confusion, concern, hopelessness, anger, ER visits, we went through it all and more.
We had our 2nd baby in April 2021. Day one that she was born, she started showing all of the same symptoms. My heart sank. I knew I couldn't do it again. I knew that I needed answers. I began the search... again. I started trying everything that we had tried with my son. Still, nothing worked. I ran across a mom who recommended Dr. Scharenberg in Wichita, KS. I thought to myself, "Too bad we don't live there." The days just kept getting harder and the nights longer. I kept remembering this doctor. He has a list of foods that make colic worse on his website. I cut those foods out, thinking I would give this diet a try. I actually saw a difference!! After many nights of talking to my husband about going to KS, we finally decided that we had to go! We decided after our daughter was crying for 7 hours straight with only maybe 10 minute breaks in between there. We were skeptical but had no other answers.
We were able to get in that week with Dr. S. The whole drive there our daughter cried. Dr. S spent over 2 hours with us on a Friday night for our first appointment. Everything that he explained made sense. That night our daughter slept 7 hours straight on her back and unswaddled. Sleeping on her back for over 10 minutes before this night was unheard of. For the first time since having children, I had found a doctor who listened to me and every concern. I found a doctor who actually stopped and observed my baby. I found a doctor who explained everything over and over again with patience and care. I found a doctor who gave me his home and cell number to be able to help us at ALL hours of the day. I found a doctor who sympathized with the trial we were facing.
We continued on with treatments for almost 2 weeks. Now our baby girl is a completely different baby. She is happy. She doesn't cry inconsolably. She almost sleeps through the night at 8 weeks old. She falls asleep so quickly. She smiles and coos. She doesn't have colic. The only regret I have is that we didn't take her to Wichita sooner and that we didn't know about this doctor for our son. Dr. S made sense. He solved the actual issue. He brought answers. He cared. We thank God for bringing us to Dr. Scharenberg.
- Mom, Molly
We had our first baby in May '19. We were overjoyed but quickly realized that our son had something causing him immense pain. Our son would constantly cry. He was inconsolable. We couldn't lay him on his back. He would only sleep for 10-30 minutes at a time. He pulled his legs up to his chest, arched his back, and had a hard, distended belly. He hated tummy time. He constantly spit up large volumes, constantly had hiccups, and constantly had pain with gas/BMs. He refused a binkie, screamed on every car ride, and always wanted to be in motion and held upright. He always had clenched fists. The list could go on. We started to try everything to relieve his pain. We tried acid reflux medicine, gas drops, mylicon, gripe water, probiotics, bicycle kicks, belly rubs, belly band. We had his tongue and lip tie revised. The revision only helped him nurse better but did not help with the other symptoms. Although, I still recommend a revision if your baby has a tie because of all of the health benefits. However, it did NOT fix the colic. I cut out everything from my diet. I did every diet I could find that was said to help colic. I cut out the top 7 allergens. I went to doctor after doctor. No doctor ever seems sure of the "advice" they gave me. I was told to just stick it out, just hold him, he will get over it, he is just a baby, babies just cry, he has acid reflux, on and on and on. We would just trade off trying to rock and soothe our son for HOURS. We even had our son tested for seizures because of how he was constantly flinching. The doctors didn't quite understand when his tests came back normal. They wrote it off as stomach pain. But nothing made sense. Nothing answered the questions. Nothing solved the pain. The incessant crying was/did drive us crazy. Sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, depression, confusion, concern, hopelessness, anger, ER visits, we went through it all and more.
We had our 2nd baby in April 2021. Day one that she was born, she started showing all of the same symptoms. My heart sank. I knew I couldn't do it again. I knew that I needed answers. I began the search... again. I started trying everything that we had tried with my son. Still, nothing worked. I ran across a mom who recommended Dr. Scharenberg in Wichita, KS. I thought to myself, "Too bad we don't live there." The days just kept getting harder and the nights longer. I kept remembering this doctor. He has a list of foods that make colic worse on his website. I cut those foods out, thinking I would give this diet a try. I actually saw a difference!! After many nights of talking to my husband about going to KS, we finally decided that we had to go! We decided after our daughter was crying for 7 hours straight with only maybe 10 minute breaks in between there. We were skeptical but had no other answers.
We were able to get in that week with Dr. S. The whole drive there our daughter cried. Dr. S spent over 2 hours with us on a Friday night for our first appointment. Everything that he explained made sense. That night our daughter slept 7 hours straight on her back and unswaddled. Sleeping on her back for over 10 minutes before this night was unheard of. For the first time since having children, I had found a doctor who listened to me and every concern. I found a doctor who actually stopped and observed my baby. I found a doctor who explained everything over and over again with patience and care. I found a doctor who gave me his home and cell number to be able to help us at ALL hours of the day. I found a doctor who sympathized with the trial we were facing.
We continued on with treatments for almost 2 weeks. Now our baby girl is a completely different baby. She is happy. She doesn't cry inconsolably. She almost sleeps through the night at 8 weeks old. She falls asleep so quickly. She smiles and coos. She doesn't have colic. The only regret I have is that we didn't take her to Wichita sooner and that we didn't know about this doctor for our son. Dr. S made sense. He solved the actual issue. He brought answers. He cared. We thank God for bringing us to Dr. Scharenberg.
- Mom, Molly
Baby Silas' Testimony

Dr Scharenberg is truly one of a kind, and they call him the baby whisperer for a reason. After many weeks of being so stressed out, not being able to help our colicky son get some relief, I heard about Dr Scharenberg through a friend. We decided to make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Wichita for treatment and I’m very thankful we did. After our first session with Doc, I knew he would be the one to help our son. Silas is a whole different baby now. He smiles and is much more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. This mama heart couldn’t be happier. Thank you, Doc!!!
If your baby seems uncomfortable, gassy or colicky, make an appointment now! Trust me. Dr Scharenberg and his staff are amazing, and they definitely made our experience a great one.
If your baby seems uncomfortable, gassy or colicky, make an appointment now! Trust me. Dr Scharenberg and his staff are amazing, and they definitely made our experience a great one.
Baby Kade's Testimony (From Facebook)

5 night 6 days away from home seems like a lot BUT we are going home with a complete 360.
The day after Christmas Kollin & I were at complete exhaustion physically & mentally. We didn’t know what else to do to help Kade with his “colic.” Our sweet babe was in pain. We called Tuesday morning to Dr. Scharenberg and without hesitation said be here tomorrow at 6am. We packed and headed out. We did 2 treatments a day for 5 days and I can say Kade is a different baby boy coming home than when we came out! Doc cares about your baby and will always help you get them healthy, no matter your situation! We are so thankful to the lord above for watching over us during this time!
*Mommas, please believe me and trust your instincts…… “ITS NOT JUST COLIC”
Go like Scharenberg Chiro
Feel free to tag any mommas with any age little one!
5 night 6 days away from home seems like a lot BUT we are going home with a complete 360.
The day after Christmas Kollin & I were at complete exhaustion physically & mentally. We didn’t know what else to do to help Kade with his “colic.” Our sweet babe was in pain. We called Tuesday morning to Dr. Scharenberg and without hesitation said be here tomorrow at 6am. We packed and headed out. We did 2 treatments a day for 5 days and I can say Kade is a different baby boy coming home than when we came out! Doc cares about your baby and will always help you get them healthy, no matter your situation! We are so thankful to the lord above for watching over us during this time!
*Mommas, please believe me and trust your instincts…… “ITS NOT JUST COLIC”
Go like Scharenberg Chiro
Feel free to tag any mommas with any age little one!
Baby Daxton's Testimony (From Facebook)

We owe Dr. Scharenburg at Scharenberg Chiropractic a HUGE thank you for helping our little boy out. We didn’t necessarily think that he was a colicky baby since he didn’t cry from 6pm to 10pm or predictable times during the day like Google says.. gas drops didn’t work, gripe water didn’t work, probiotics didn’t work. He didn’t want his bottle or paci during these crying fits. Nothing worked. I cried, he cried, we all cried. I had a couple people that I know share/recommend Dr. Scharenburg, so I called and inquired about his colic treatment. We were on the fence about going forward with scheduling treatment, until one day, Daxton was crying uncontrollably and during that time, I had a phone call from Dr. S. He left me a voicemail as I was tending to Daxton and obviously couldn’t answer the phone with a baby that was crying uncontrollably. I took that as a sign that that’s maybe what we needed, especially Daxton. So we loaded up in the car over Halloween weekend and started our 5 day treatment - He took time out of his holiday weekend to see us. Wow. I couldn’t believe it.
We arrived in Wichita and started our treatment.
I was SUPER skeptical. And I won’t lie, I had zero intentions in the beginning of Dr. Scharenburg’s
treatment that he would actually be able to help Daxton… boy was I wrong!
We have the HAPPIEST baby boy now and I will forever be thankful for Dr. Scharenburg. Currently in tears as I write this because as you’ll see in the last video attached, this is what our life was like before we found Dr. Scharenburg.
He forever changed our lives and helped Daxton feel GOOD and helped get rid of his discomfort - without spinal adjustments. I’ll always share our experience with others. He’s worth the drive or flight.
Dr. Scharenburg is not just your average chiropractor. He is the baby whisperer!
So upset that I lost the picture of Dr. Scharenburg and Daxton, but here are a few pictures of Daxton now and the video prior to our treatment.
Check out his website stoppingcolic.com and see if your baby or someone you know has a baby with any of the symptoms of colic that Google doesn’t list. Daxton had 15+ symptoms of colic that were listed on his website, though I would’ve never considered him severe.
We arrived in Wichita and started our treatment.
I was SUPER skeptical. And I won’t lie, I had zero intentions in the beginning of Dr. Scharenburg’s
treatment that he would actually be able to help Daxton… boy was I wrong!
We have the HAPPIEST baby boy now and I will forever be thankful for Dr. Scharenburg. Currently in tears as I write this because as you’ll see in the last video attached, this is what our life was like before we found Dr. Scharenburg.
He forever changed our lives and helped Daxton feel GOOD and helped get rid of his discomfort - without spinal adjustments. I’ll always share our experience with others. He’s worth the drive or flight.
Dr. Scharenburg is not just your average chiropractor. He is the baby whisperer!
So upset that I lost the picture of Dr. Scharenburg and Daxton, but here are a few pictures of Daxton now and the video prior to our treatment.
Check out his website stoppingcolic.com and see if your baby or someone you know has a baby with any of the symptoms of colic that Google doesn’t list. Daxton had 15+ symptoms of colic that were listed on his website, though I would’ve never considered him severe.
Baby Connor's Testimony (from Facebook)

"Becoming a first time parent is REALLY hard. But becoming a first time parent who has a baby with Colic is even harder. My husband and I have struggled so much with Connor since he was about 2 weeks old!
Connor would cry constantly. He would only sleep at night for about an hour & 1/2 before waking up screaming! He would be so uncomfortable while he was sleeping. He would grunt, squirm, cough, choke, spit up and shriek in his sleep. It was absolutely awful and painful to watch!
We took him to the pediatrician. They said he had acid reflux and colic. They said he would grow out of colic around 3-4 months. The pediatrician gave us acid reflux meds. The meds had no affect on Connor. When we went back to pediatrician he said his dosage needed to be upped bc Connor had gained weight. I came home from that appointment sadden and determined to find help for Connor.
A few weeks I wrote a long post asking for help with Connor about his tongue tie along and sleep issues on a Facebook group called Kansas Tongue Tie. Minutes after posting a mother reached out to me on messenger. She boldly asked if she could call and tell me her story about her daughter. I said yes.
She told me that Connor had the same colic symptoms as her daughter. She said she found found a chiropractor that had helped her baby so much with colic. She said it was a miracle. She told me I should check out Scharenberg Chiro! She said that Doctor S was an incredible man that had found a noninvasive treatment for baby’s colic. I was a little skeptical but after hearing her story and reading his website on colic, I knew I had to tell Mark.
Sunday evening was our first appt with Dr. S. After we left and went to the hotel Connor slept for 3 hrs!!! In the 11 weeks since Connor came home, I had never seen him sleep that peacefully! He didn’t grunt, squirm, or shriek in his sleep. I was brought to tears!! We have been in Wichita since Sunday. We are heading back to KC today. Connor saw Dr. S twice a day for 5 days. Each day he got better and better.
I cant even begin to explain how thankful I am for Doctor Scharenberg! The change we see in Connor is amazing. He is much happier and smiles so much more! Today, Connor graduated from colic treatment!
If you are new parents/parent who are struggling with a colicy baby, YOU DONT HAVE TO!!! There is absolutely NO spinal or joint manipulation during treatment! Dr. S teaches you how to read your baby. How to listen to what they are telling you through their body language. The education you get alone is worth the time and money!
My only regret is that we didn't find out about Dr. S sooner. Check them out, call for a consult! Our confidence as parents has gone up so much, while the stress level and tension has gone way down!"
Connor would cry constantly. He would only sleep at night for about an hour & 1/2 before waking up screaming! He would be so uncomfortable while he was sleeping. He would grunt, squirm, cough, choke, spit up and shriek in his sleep. It was absolutely awful and painful to watch!
We took him to the pediatrician. They said he had acid reflux and colic. They said he would grow out of colic around 3-4 months. The pediatrician gave us acid reflux meds. The meds had no affect on Connor. When we went back to pediatrician he said his dosage needed to be upped bc Connor had gained weight. I came home from that appointment sadden and determined to find help for Connor.
A few weeks I wrote a long post asking for help with Connor about his tongue tie along and sleep issues on a Facebook group called Kansas Tongue Tie. Minutes after posting a mother reached out to me on messenger. She boldly asked if she could call and tell me her story about her daughter. I said yes.
She told me that Connor had the same colic symptoms as her daughter. She said she found found a chiropractor that had helped her baby so much with colic. She said it was a miracle. She told me I should check out Scharenberg Chiro! She said that Doctor S was an incredible man that had found a noninvasive treatment for baby’s colic. I was a little skeptical but after hearing her story and reading his website on colic, I knew I had to tell Mark.
Sunday evening was our first appt with Dr. S. After we left and went to the hotel Connor slept for 3 hrs!!! In the 11 weeks since Connor came home, I had never seen him sleep that peacefully! He didn’t grunt, squirm, or shriek in his sleep. I was brought to tears!! We have been in Wichita since Sunday. We are heading back to KC today. Connor saw Dr. S twice a day for 5 days. Each day he got better and better.
I cant even begin to explain how thankful I am for Doctor Scharenberg! The change we see in Connor is amazing. He is much happier and smiles so much more! Today, Connor graduated from colic treatment!
If you are new parents/parent who are struggling with a colicy baby, YOU DONT HAVE TO!!! There is absolutely NO spinal or joint manipulation during treatment! Dr. S teaches you how to read your baby. How to listen to what they are telling you through their body language. The education you get alone is worth the time and money!
My only regret is that we didn't find out about Dr. S sooner. Check them out, call for a consult! Our confidence as parents has gone up so much, while the stress level and tension has gone way down!"
Baby Bentley's Testimony
"First of all I would like to tell you that D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. has made a significant difference in our one year old son!
Bentley had colic as a baby. He cried a lot and had tummy aches all the time. He didn’t sleep much, in the day or at night. He also had a very hard time gaining weight. In fact he wasn’t on the weight chart until recently. Bentley’s Doctor referred us to many different specialists to see why he wasn’t gaining weight.
We had a Cystic Fibrosis test done. We went to the Genetics doctor. We had a swallow study done. We saw an Endocrinologist. We had a sleep study done. Everything was normal. They all classed him as “failure to thrive.” We as parents were very discouraged, because nobody could help him out. We went to a pulmonary doctor, a specialist in Kansas City. He had us test Bentley’s oxygen at night and it was low, so we had to put him on oxygen at night.
Finally, we heard of D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. from our friends. We decided to give him a try, though I figured he would tell us what all the other doctors had, “We can’t find anything wrong with him.” In other words we can’t help you.
He did a treatment the same day of the first appointment. Bentley slept better that night, than he ever had. He has gotten so much better. D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. treated his hiatal hernia and now he eats for me. He has much much better nights. It has completely changed our little boy.
Thank you ever so much D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.!"
Bentley had colic as a baby. He cried a lot and had tummy aches all the time. He didn’t sleep much, in the day or at night. He also had a very hard time gaining weight. In fact he wasn’t on the weight chart until recently. Bentley’s Doctor referred us to many different specialists to see why he wasn’t gaining weight.
We had a Cystic Fibrosis test done. We went to the Genetics doctor. We had a swallow study done. We saw an Endocrinologist. We had a sleep study done. Everything was normal. They all classed him as “failure to thrive.” We as parents were very discouraged, because nobody could help him out. We went to a pulmonary doctor, a specialist in Kansas City. He had us test Bentley’s oxygen at night and it was low, so we had to put him on oxygen at night.
Finally, we heard of D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. from our friends. We decided to give him a try, though I figured he would tell us what all the other doctors had, “We can’t find anything wrong with him.” In other words we can’t help you.
He did a treatment the same day of the first appointment. Bentley slept better that night, than he ever had. He has gotten so much better. D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. treated his hiatal hernia and now he eats for me. He has much much better nights. It has completely changed our little boy.
Thank you ever so much D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.!"
Baby Hudson's testimony

"Hudson is our second child to receive colic treatment from D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.. I was referred to him by a co-worker when I started having suspicions that my daughter really didn't have acid reflux as diagnosed by her pediatrician. From two weeks on she had to be constantly held and was incredibly fussy during the early evening hours. We did alot of walking and bouncing! Tension was very high in our house! We brought Adeline to his office when she was 5 weeks old and noticed a drastic difference in her after just two treatments. I was breastfeeding, so I immediately changed my diet and followed D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s plan. She had more treatments than average even though I was very strict with the diet, but the last few weeks of treatment were just getting from 75% to 100% better. I had to continue to avoid certain foods such as chocolate and caffeine for a few more months, but eventually could eat whatever I wanted.
Because of our experience with Adeline, we recognized the colic symptoms in Hudson right away. He was initially very gassy and restless and did not want to sleep on his back, so we brought him to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when he was a week old and began treatments right away. Fortunately he never got to the painful crying and loss of sleep stage! Because we started so early, things moved much more quickly and he was better in about 2 weeks. I was also breastfeeding him, but this time I started adjusting my diet from the time he was born as a preventative measure. Doing this also helped me determine which foods bothered him more than others and I continued to avoid those until he was a little older.
With both of our babies, there was an immediate improvement, however we did experience a regression during treatment for a few days. That was then followed by more improvement. The temporary modification to my diet was completely worth it too. We are so grateful for D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s colic treatment which gave us happy babies and made us happy parents!"
- Mom: Heather Hatcher
Because of our experience with Adeline, we recognized the colic symptoms in Hudson right away. He was initially very gassy and restless and did not want to sleep on his back, so we brought him to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when he was a week old and began treatments right away. Fortunately he never got to the painful crying and loss of sleep stage! Because we started so early, things moved much more quickly and he was better in about 2 weeks. I was also breastfeeding him, but this time I started adjusting my diet from the time he was born as a preventative measure. Doing this also helped me determine which foods bothered him more than others and I continued to avoid those until he was a little older.
With both of our babies, there was an immediate improvement, however we did experience a regression during treatment for a few days. That was then followed by more improvement. The temporary modification to my diet was completely worth it too. We are so grateful for D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s colic treatment which gave us happy babies and made us happy parents!"
- Mom: Heather Hatcher
Baby Madison's Testimony

"From what I have heard before I had Madison, colic was something many parents feared. Madison would cry and cry, sometimes screaming cries, and nothing that mommy or daddy did would help this. Eventually I think she was so wore out from crying that she would fall asleep. My baby was only 2 months old at the time and I knew I needed help. Madison’s pediatrician told me to buy gas drops and to just keep rocking her and trying to soothe her. She basically told me that she would eventually grow out of it and for now to just keep doing what I was doing. Both Madison and myself were getting very little sleep and I was feeling hopeless.
One day I asked my facebook friends for and advice on colic, and my uncle replied that he took my cousins to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.. I called the office immediately and got set up for an evaluation that next day.
My initial thoughts of taking my daughter to a chiropractor were a little skeptical, however, I was so exhausted that I was more than ready to try something different. After the initial visit, my Madison took a 4 hour nap! Before that day she was sleeping 30 minutes for naps.
Because I was breastfeeding I had to follow the diet, which was difficult but I kept in mind that it was only for 2 weeks. I did veer from the diet a couple of times with caffeine. One night, I had to go to the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s house for a treatment because Madison had been crying all day long. I was in tears but after the treatment she went home and slept all night.
There was a point during the treatment when I felt like Madison’s improvements started regressing. I started feeling skeptical again. However, after the next couple of treatment days, Madison started improving again.
I took Madison to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. for a total of about 12 treatments, but I think the last few treatments were more for me to feel sure that Madison’s colic was gone. The colic was in fact gone and Madison has been so happy ever since. I feel so blessed that the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was there to help us. "
-Mom: Dana Thomas
One day I asked my facebook friends for and advice on colic, and my uncle replied that he took my cousins to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.. I called the office immediately and got set up for an evaluation that next day.
My initial thoughts of taking my daughter to a chiropractor were a little skeptical, however, I was so exhausted that I was more than ready to try something different. After the initial visit, my Madison took a 4 hour nap! Before that day she was sleeping 30 minutes for naps.
Because I was breastfeeding I had to follow the diet, which was difficult but I kept in mind that it was only for 2 weeks. I did veer from the diet a couple of times with caffeine. One night, I had to go to the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s house for a treatment because Madison had been crying all day long. I was in tears but after the treatment she went home and slept all night.
There was a point during the treatment when I felt like Madison’s improvements started regressing. I started feeling skeptical again. However, after the next couple of treatment days, Madison started improving again.
I took Madison to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. for a total of about 12 treatments, but I think the last few treatments were more for me to feel sure that Madison’s colic was gone. The colic was in fact gone and Madison has been so happy ever since. I feel so blessed that the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was there to help us. "
-Mom: Dana Thomas
Baby Dawson's Testimony

"After going through a horrible colic situation with my fourth child, that went on for the first year and a half of his life, I knew when my fifth child started developing signs of colic (hard distended belly, crying all of the time no matter what you do to comfort him, terrible gassiness, spitting up all of the time, not eating well) that I had to do something to help not only him but me. (Having a baby with colic could drive a person crazy.) I purchased some gripe water, which helped for a little bit, but did not make the colic go away completely. I knew I needed to figure out something else to help him.
I had remembered a friend of mine talking about taking their baby to a chiropractor that helped her baby with colic. I contacted her immediately and asked her who she had taken her baby to. She told me it was D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.. I immediately made an appointment with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and after the first appointment I already noticed a difference. On the third day of treatment I made the accidental mistake of eating some garlic in some sauce, which caused my baby some horrible pains and gassiness. I called D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and he had me come to his home that evening to treat my baby. That's how much D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. wants to make sure your baby is doing well. He is willing to treat them at his home on his day off at no extra cost. I made sure I didn't make any more mistakes like that again and after ten treatments over a two week period, I had a whole new baby. He is doing GREAT! I only wish I would have know about D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when my fourth child was a baby because it would have made such a difference."
-Mom: Kari Rich
I had remembered a friend of mine talking about taking their baby to a chiropractor that helped her baby with colic. I contacted her immediately and asked her who she had taken her baby to. She told me it was D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.. I immediately made an appointment with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and after the first appointment I already noticed a difference. On the third day of treatment I made the accidental mistake of eating some garlic in some sauce, which caused my baby some horrible pains and gassiness. I called D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and he had me come to his home that evening to treat my baby. That's how much D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. wants to make sure your baby is doing well. He is willing to treat them at his home on his day off at no extra cost. I made sure I didn't make any more mistakes like that again and after ten treatments over a two week period, I had a whole new baby. He is doing GREAT! I only wish I would have know about D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when my fourth child was a baby because it would have made such a difference."
-Mom: Kari Rich
Baby Anthony's Testimony

"Before I came to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. for treatment we used gas drops and a lot of praying. The doctor that I was staying with in Iowa told me that we were holding him too much, that he was spoiled and needed to be put in a playpen to cry it out. When I got back to Wichita, our family physician said he was colicky. and I told my sister-in-law this and she immediately sent us to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C..
I didn’t know he had colic for the first month after he was born as the doctor who saw him twice told me he was fine. Anthony didn’t sleep during the day, just cried unless he was held and only slept a couple hours at a time during the night.
My initial treatment was praying that it would work, Anthony was so miserable and I was a mess because I thought I was doing something wrong. I felt horrible that I couldn’t help him feel better.
My sister-in-law, Suzanne’s first child Cal who is now going to be in the 6th grade had very bad colic. The family had shifts that we would take to hold him so he and him mom could sleep. Suzanne use to go to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when he was in Hillsborough and Grandpa Paul would drive them there to get treatment.
At first I didn’t put Anthony on the 60/40 formula as D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. had requested, though as soon as we switched he began to have bowel movements more regularly.
I believe it was the third of fourth treatment where Anthony had a very bad day, I remember D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. telling me that he would have these and then it would get better. I continued as I saw the initial results and just prayed, continuing the treatments. In another two treatments he was doing really well again.
We had I believe either ten or eleven visits, Anthony is now almost four months old, and sleeping through the night.
Thank you D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and staff for all helping out little angel!"
-Mom: Terri Erker
I didn’t know he had colic for the first month after he was born as the doctor who saw him twice told me he was fine. Anthony didn’t sleep during the day, just cried unless he was held and only slept a couple hours at a time during the night.
My initial treatment was praying that it would work, Anthony was so miserable and I was a mess because I thought I was doing something wrong. I felt horrible that I couldn’t help him feel better.
My sister-in-law, Suzanne’s first child Cal who is now going to be in the 6th grade had very bad colic. The family had shifts that we would take to hold him so he and him mom could sleep. Suzanne use to go to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. when he was in Hillsborough and Grandpa Paul would drive them there to get treatment.
At first I didn’t put Anthony on the 60/40 formula as D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. had requested, though as soon as we switched he began to have bowel movements more regularly.
I believe it was the third of fourth treatment where Anthony had a very bad day, I remember D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. telling me that he would have these and then it would get better. I continued as I saw the initial results and just prayed, continuing the treatments. In another two treatments he was doing really well again.
We had I believe either ten or eleven visits, Anthony is now almost four months old, and sleeping through the night.
Thank you D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and staff for all helping out little angel!"
-Mom: Terri Erker
Baby Dena's testimony

"Dena was colicky from the day she was born. We had to have her sent into the hospital’s nursery so we could get some sleep on the day she was born. She would fall asleep in my arms but the second I put her down she would scream. Being first time parents, we looked to my parents and siblings for advice. I was told to try Gripe Water and Colic Calm. Both seemed to work for a day or two, but things would just go right back to ‘normal.’ When people would suggest my baby girl had colic, I would, for some reason, get very defensive (even with my husband). I felt that if she had colic, it would somehow reflect a failure on my part.
I still remember the day that I gave in to my husband’s suggestion of taking Dena to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. (he had heard about him from a few guys at his work, and had been pressuring me to look into him). She had been crying almost all day long and I just couldn’t mentally take it anymore. At first I was scared of the thought of a chiropractor, I thought he was going to adjust my baby and I was so relieved when I found out that was not the case. My husband and I were constantly at each other and we were both just flat out exhausted. I called D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.’s office and they scheduled us in that day (she was 2.5 weeks old). We first took her to her pediatrician for her scheduled 2 week appointment before heading to the office. She did agree that Dena had colic, but never gave any suggestions on what to do.
Our first visit with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was a long one. It didn’t take much time at all for him to determine that she not only had colic, but she had a bad case of it. We saw D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. just about every day, sometimes twice a day for 2 weeks. I never strayed from the diet, but D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. did have to modify a few things to make it work better for us.
What stands out the most to me is our flight to California when Dena was 6 weeks old. Both my husband and I thought it was going to be a disaster. It turned out to be perfect. Many people came up to us after every flight to comment on how good our baby was. Our family will forever be thankful for the help we received from D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.."
- Mom: Jennifer Eimers
I still remember the day that I gave in to my husband’s suggestion of taking Dena to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. (he had heard about him from a few guys at his work, and had been pressuring me to look into him). She had been crying almost all day long and I just couldn’t mentally take it anymore. At first I was scared of the thought of a chiropractor, I thought he was going to adjust my baby and I was so relieved when I found out that was not the case. My husband and I were constantly at each other and we were both just flat out exhausted. I called D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.’s office and they scheduled us in that day (she was 2.5 weeks old). We first took her to her pediatrician for her scheduled 2 week appointment before heading to the office. She did agree that Dena had colic, but never gave any suggestions on what to do.
Our first visit with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was a long one. It didn’t take much time at all for him to determine that she not only had colic, but she had a bad case of it. We saw D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. just about every day, sometimes twice a day for 2 weeks. I never strayed from the diet, but D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. did have to modify a few things to make it work better for us.
What stands out the most to me is our flight to California when Dena was 6 weeks old. Both my husband and I thought it was going to be a disaster. It turned out to be perfect. Many people came up to us after every flight to comment on how good our baby was. Our family will forever be thankful for the help we received from D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.."
- Mom: Jennifer Eimers
Baby Olivia's Testimony

"Olivia started showing signs of colic when she was almost a week old. I first noticed that when I tried to lay her down she would immediately wake up, and for months did very little sleeping on her back, but rather always on someone's chest. My first child cried very little and was an extremely happy
baby, so after the first month of Olivia being completely opposite of her brother I took her to her pediatrician who first offered home remedies to try and sooth her discomfort. After they did not work he prescribed her medication to treat her for acid reflux, which also provided no relief. By this time Olivia was 3 months old and I decided to reach out to my Facebook friends and see if anyone I knew could offer me any referrals for a local Chiropractor who worked with colic babies. I had heard people talk about this as a treatment option, but I was still kind of skeptical. The response I received from friends who had either taken their children to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. or knew someone who did was amazing. I checked out his website and loved that he provided videos and clear explanations of what the signs of colic are and how he treats it. Up until this point I had been very skeptical about taking my daughter to a chiropractor because I was unsure of what the procedure would be like for my baby, but just from viewing D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s website my mind was put to ease and I immediately
called to schedule an appointment. I was amazed at how fast they scheduled us to come in, and the next evening we had our first visit. By the time we left that first appointment I could already begin to see a difference in Olivia and after just 9 treatments I could see a change in her. After the amazing experience we've had with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. I will definitely bring any children I may have in the future to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. as well as refer him to anyone and everyone that I know!"
-Mom: Ashley Schooly
baby, so after the first month of Olivia being completely opposite of her brother I took her to her pediatrician who first offered home remedies to try and sooth her discomfort. After they did not work he prescribed her medication to treat her for acid reflux, which also provided no relief. By this time Olivia was 3 months old and I decided to reach out to my Facebook friends and see if anyone I knew could offer me any referrals for a local Chiropractor who worked with colic babies. I had heard people talk about this as a treatment option, but I was still kind of skeptical. The response I received from friends who had either taken their children to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. or knew someone who did was amazing. I checked out his website and loved that he provided videos and clear explanations of what the signs of colic are and how he treats it. Up until this point I had been very skeptical about taking my daughter to a chiropractor because I was unsure of what the procedure would be like for my baby, but just from viewing D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s website my mind was put to ease and I immediately
called to schedule an appointment. I was amazed at how fast they scheduled us to come in, and the next evening we had our first visit. By the time we left that first appointment I could already begin to see a difference in Olivia and after just 9 treatments I could see a change in her. After the amazing experience we've had with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. I will definitely bring any children I may have in the future to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. as well as refer him to anyone and everyone that I know!"
-Mom: Ashley Schooly
baby Taylor's Testimony

"My husband and I already knew what colic was like after Dena, so with Taylor we were extra cautious. After Taylor and I were released from the hospital we made an appointment to have D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. look at her. She seemed fine, but we just wanted to make sure that if she did have colic, we
caught it right away. At her appointment D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. said that she was okay, but to keep an eye on her.
For the first 5 weeks Taylor was the ideal baby, but starting at 5 weeks she started to show signs of
colic. She started grunting, screaming, scratching and she was no longer pooping regularly. We only allowed the signs to go on for 2 days before we called and made another appointment with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C..
This time when D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. checked her out, he said she did in fact have colic. He told us it was a very mild case, so the treatment would be fast. Taylor was only treated 5 times and honestly probably
only needed 4 treatments. Since her treatment was so quick, we never had a period where things seemed to get worse. Every day was an improvement."
-Mom: Jennifer Eimers
caught it right away. At her appointment D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. said that she was okay, but to keep an eye on her.
For the first 5 weeks Taylor was the ideal baby, but starting at 5 weeks she started to show signs of
colic. She started grunting, screaming, scratching and she was no longer pooping regularly. We only allowed the signs to go on for 2 days before we called and made another appointment with D.R. Scharenberg, D.C..
This time when D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. checked her out, he said she did in fact have colic. He told us it was a very mild case, so the treatment would be fast. Taylor was only treated 5 times and honestly probably
only needed 4 treatments. Since her treatment was so quick, we never had a period where things seemed to get worse. Every day was an improvement."
-Mom: Jennifer Eimers
Baby Cassie's Testimony

"Cassie was born on March 10th of this year (2013). The first few weeks went by in a blur but I noticed that as time went by, she was getting fussier and fussier. She started screaming with each feeding, spitting up a lot, bring her knees up to her chest and flailing her limbs about… we could feel the gas rumbling around in her little belly and it just wouldn’t come out no matter how long we tried to burp her! I first tried gripe water but she would choke on it… we would rock her, walk her, bounce her, swing her, nothing was working. As first time parents, we didn’t know what else we could do, so I called her pediatrician. She diagnosed her with acid reflux and put her on a liquid medication that went in her first bottle of the day. The first day, she seemed to be feeling better - less screaming, less spitting up. But by day 3, it wasn’t working anymore. I remembered a girlfriend had taken her newborn son to a chiropractor for colic and whatever he did worked, so I figured let’s give him a call… what did we have to lose?! We started our first treatment when she was 6 weeks old and that first time was rough.
She cried and screamed, but after maybe 10 minutes, she was asleep!!! D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. told us that treatment length would vary from child to child and it would seem that sometimes she would get worse, but to stick with it because he wouldn’t stop treating her until she was better. There were
times when we questioned the treatment’s effectiveness because it seemed she was getting worse and we felt like we were seeing the office staff more than our friends! BUT after 4 weeks and 15 treatments, we were released from his care for colic… what a glorious day it was. She was feeling so much better. She was a happy girl that smiled and cooed and slept for more than 2 hours… and that all made for very
happy parents!
Thanks D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and your fabulous staff for being so good to Cassie!"
-Mom: Wendy Holt
She cried and screamed, but after maybe 10 minutes, she was asleep!!! D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. told us that treatment length would vary from child to child and it would seem that sometimes she would get worse, but to stick with it because he wouldn’t stop treating her until she was better. There were
times when we questioned the treatment’s effectiveness because it seemed she was getting worse and we felt like we were seeing the office staff more than our friends! BUT after 4 weeks and 15 treatments, we were released from his care for colic… what a glorious day it was. She was feeling so much better. She was a happy girl that smiled and cooed and slept for more than 2 hours… and that all made for very
happy parents!
Thanks D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and your fabulous staff for being so good to Cassie!"
-Mom: Wendy Holt
Baby Eden's Testimony

"I have three children. My oldest, Ariel, had severe colic symptoms until she was 4 months old, and continued to act uncomfortable until she was a toddler. We didn't know that there was help out there for colic, so we just suffered through the pain. When My second child Eden was born, she also began to exhibit colic symptoms at about 10 days old. She acted like she was uncomfortable and in pain constantly. A friend had referred D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. to us, so we decided to try it. I was nervous about taking my newborn to a chiropractor, but D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s technique doesn't involve spinal adjustment, and he was very helpful in explaining the process, which set my mind at ease. I could instantly tell that D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was very knowledgeable about colic and colic treatment. He was extremely caring and kind with my baby. D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. really was concerned about my babies well being, and was going to do what ever it took to make her feel better.
I saw an massive difference in my baby after just one treatment. Her stomach, which had be hard and bloated, now felt soft like it should. She began the treatment crying, and by the end she was fast asleep. She slept more soundly after that treatment that she ever had before. She was also able to lie on her back comfortably. It took a few weeks of treatments before she "graduated" with no colic symptoms. The improvement was undeniable. After D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. had worked his magic, she became the happiest of all three of my babies. She slept the best, ate the best, and was content to just sit in her car seat or lay on the floor. I was so grateful to have the blessing of knowing D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. His colic treatment definitely helped improve the quality of life for my baby and also my family. If your baby exhibits any of the colic symptoms listed on this site, then I HIGHLY recommend you schedule an appointment with the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. You will be so glad that you did!!!"
-Mom: Naomi Pinkston
I saw an massive difference in my baby after just one treatment. Her stomach, which had be hard and bloated, now felt soft like it should. She began the treatment crying, and by the end she was fast asleep. She slept more soundly after that treatment that she ever had before. She was also able to lie on her back comfortably. It took a few weeks of treatments before she "graduated" with no colic symptoms. The improvement was undeniable. After D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. had worked his magic, she became the happiest of all three of my babies. She slept the best, ate the best, and was content to just sit in her car seat or lay on the floor. I was so grateful to have the blessing of knowing D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. His colic treatment definitely helped improve the quality of life for my baby and also my family. If your baby exhibits any of the colic symptoms listed on this site, then I HIGHLY recommend you schedule an appointment with the D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. You will be so glad that you did!!!"
-Mom: Naomi Pinkston
Baby Imogen's Testimony
We didn't realize Imogen had colic or reflux til she was almost 2 months old. Every baby cries and spits up so we didn't think too much about it. While at the Wesley Parent/Baby play group, one of the teacher/coordinators (a lactation consultant) suggested going to the doctor. After taking her in, she was prescribed zantac which was not the easiest to give to a baby. We had also tried gripe water at night too, when we couldn't get her to sleep. She would try staying up every night from midnight to 5 a.m. crying. A masseuse friend, Sheli Sturgeon of Integrative Therapies, suggested going to see D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. She had taken her own baby to see him for colic and constipation. I wasn't sure it would help, but at this point we were in survival mode. After the first week she was doing really well then the doctor left for a work vacation. Poor Imogen went backwards though not as bad as our first visit. After a couple of procedures she was back on track. I think she had 14-15 visits. The special diet was not easy to stick to especially when you tend to eat healthy or attend a holiday party. I was very happy to start reincorporating foods, but able to track specific foods that would throw Imogen in a tailspin(now I know to avoid them completely if they cause an issue. Imogen still cries and even spits up occasionally like all babies... but she is doing good since seeing D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. Thank you so much,
-The Goodman Family
-The Goodman Family
Baby Tyler's Testimony
We brought our son, Tyler, to D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. for colic treatment when he was five weeks old. Tyler had been displaying signs of colic since coming home from the hospital. He would scream, eat, and occasionally sleep. He wanted to nurse around the clock and was constantly spitting up, including multiple bouts of projectile vomiting a day. He was having problems gaining weight and was starting to miss the typical milestones you would expect of a baby this age. His screams were so loud and persistent that our neighbors could here him crying in the middle of the night from their bedroom.
Our pediatrician did several tests to rule out serious conditions, including pyloric stenosis before diagnosing our son with acid reflux. The doctor prescribed a medication that hopefully would help with the condition. When filling the prescription, the pharmacist strongly cautioned us about the possible side effects in a child as small as ours. Around the same time, my OBGYN had provided us with information on D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and suggested we investigate, as several of her patients had positive experiences with the his colic treatment.
We did research on D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and his treatment. While reviews online were overwelmingly positive, my husband and I were both skeptics and thought there was a good chance the treatment was a crock and the results all hype. However, as any parent with an extremely colicky child will confirm, your willing to try almost anything to help your child. The screams of pain they wail are enough to rip your heart out. We decided, as the treatment was noninvasive, we would delay the medication(and its possible side effects) for a very short time and try D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s treatments.
During the first visit, D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. explained his theory on the cause of colic, described the history of how he developed his treatment, and laid out his plan of action for our son. While his explanations seemed plausible, we were still skeptics. However, after the end of the first session, our son was more relaxed than we had ever seen him and he slept for nearly three hours following that first treatment. He slept through the night for the first time and, the next day, smiled for the first time.
Progress was fairly consistent after that. While we had ups and downs and days where it seemed as if we were regressing, the overall improvement was noticed by everyone who had seen our son before we began the treatments. His projectile vomiting disappeared and our fussy, screaming child was transformed into a happy, smiling baby that we could actually enjoy. We were able to get some sleep, go out in public, and develop some semblance of a routine.
D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was great with Tyler and extremely patient with our questions, concerns, and skepticism. He let the treatment speak for itself and always took the time to listen to any issues we had throughout the process. The decision to visit D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was the right one for our son and family and our only regret is not having found him sooner.
-Mom: Bobbie
Our pediatrician did several tests to rule out serious conditions, including pyloric stenosis before diagnosing our son with acid reflux. The doctor prescribed a medication that hopefully would help with the condition. When filling the prescription, the pharmacist strongly cautioned us about the possible side effects in a child as small as ours. Around the same time, my OBGYN had provided us with information on D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and suggested we investigate, as several of her patients had positive experiences with the his colic treatment.
We did research on D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. and his treatment. While reviews online were overwelmingly positive, my husband and I were both skeptics and thought there was a good chance the treatment was a crock and the results all hype. However, as any parent with an extremely colicky child will confirm, your willing to try almost anything to help your child. The screams of pain they wail are enough to rip your heart out. We decided, as the treatment was noninvasive, we would delay the medication(and its possible side effects) for a very short time and try D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.'s treatments.
During the first visit, D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. explained his theory on the cause of colic, described the history of how he developed his treatment, and laid out his plan of action for our son. While his explanations seemed plausible, we were still skeptics. However, after the end of the first session, our son was more relaxed than we had ever seen him and he slept for nearly three hours following that first treatment. He slept through the night for the first time and, the next day, smiled for the first time.
Progress was fairly consistent after that. While we had ups and downs and days where it seemed as if we were regressing, the overall improvement was noticed by everyone who had seen our son before we began the treatments. His projectile vomiting disappeared and our fussy, screaming child was transformed into a happy, smiling baby that we could actually enjoy. We were able to get some sleep, go out in public, and develop some semblance of a routine.
D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was great with Tyler and extremely patient with our questions, concerns, and skepticism. He let the treatment speak for itself and always took the time to listen to any issues we had throughout the process. The decision to visit D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. was the right one for our son and family and our only regret is not having found him sooner.
-Mom: Bobbie
Baby Lucie's Testimony

The first two weeks home with Lucie were pretty peaceful. She was a sleepy newborn. I wasn't surprised about her nursing every hour. A few days before she turned 3 weeks old she began to change. She would scream in pain and struggle to pass gas and stool. I gave her gas drops and gripe water. They didn't help. It got worse! Her belly was hard as a rock and she was arching her back, stiff legs. We cried together all night. I walked back and forth, bounced her, anything I could do. One night I posted on Facebook about how I was losing it. A friend suggested D.R. Scharenberg, D.C., a chiropractor who treats colic. She had so many of the symptoms. I got on the website and saw ALL positive reviews. I was willing to try anything to help my baby and get back my sanity. I also have a 3 year old I need to take care of. I called the next day to make an appointment. I learned so much at that first appointment that I never knew the first time around about babies. And she slept for hours that night! A few more in I became a little skeptical but D.R. Scharenberg, D.C. had another mom talk to me. It reassured me and things got better and better at home. Four hour stretches of sleep! Even our breastfeeding experience improved. I was about to give up on that. The diet is worth it to fix your baby. I looked forward to going each day. Everyone in the office treats you like family. Lucie is now 7 weeks old, she's always gassy but now she can get it out without screaming in pain. Her belly is soft and she's happy. She only gets fussy if she wants to be held and cries if I can't get to her right away to eat. I'm so thankful for
D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.! He is a gift from God for these babies and families. Please don't hesitate to make an appointment. And the younger the baby the better! Thank you all so much!
-Mom: Jamie Young
D.R. Scharenberg, D.C.! He is a gift from God for these babies and families. Please don't hesitate to make an appointment. And the younger the baby the better! Thank you all so much!
-Mom: Jamie Young