Common Treatments for Colic
"As far as my experience with these soothing techniques goes, I find that they can be helpful in easing a baby's crying, however, they just do not seem effective in curing the actual condition."
In 1954 Dr. Henry Wessel described colic as a baby crying inconsolably for three hours a day, at least three days per week, for at least three weeks, and lasting up to three months, by which point, it would usually clear up. Dr. Wessel said that no person really knew what was causing this and no one knew how to treat this condition successfully. He also stated that in his opinion, this was not a serious health problem, considering the baby was not physically sick with anything else.
Today there has been very little change in the diagnosis of Colic, and they still have not found a cause for this condition. Medical experts claim that there is no known treatment for Colic, while the medical community estimates that approximately 25% of the baby population has this condition. Over the years, there have been many people who have claimed to have found various treatments for symptoms such as gripe water, gas drops, simethecone drops, colic calm, and a few others others. However, the overall opinion is that these treatments are overall ineffective and unpredictable in treating what is still known as colic.
The medical community has ruled out the use of medication for colic because of side effects that could potentially cause serious harm to the baby. They maintain that this condition should self-correct itself in about three months, and again, do not recommend the use of medication. This being said, we now see many homeopathic remedies strongly promoted because they do not seem to create any harmful effects that will hurt the baby. The downside is that the homeopathic remedies do not help fix colic either, they actually, in many cases, have made the colic worse.
Various other things have been invented to help with colic, such as swings that keep the baby in an elevated position and keep the baby in constant motion. Other products, such as blankets for swaddling or carrying the baby around in an upright position could also help. These inventions have, in many cases, proved helpful in soothing the baby, but it have never proven to treat the actual condition or eliminate the cause; they are mainly soothing techniques.
Dr. Harvey Karp has written a book called "5 S's". The S's represent the five main soothing techniques for easing some of the crying associated with colic, but they too have never proven to eliminate the cause of the condition. Dr. Karp also has some interesting theories about colic, one of which being that babies are born three months early. He feels that babies should be born at twelve months instead of nine because the babies digestive system is premature. Since colic is only supposed to last approximately three months, then theoretically at twelve months the problems associated with colic would no longer exist. If people are interested in more of Dr. Karp’s soothing techniques or his opinions on colic, he has written several books on the subject, which can be easily purchased. As far as my experience with these soothing techniques goes, I find that they can be helpful in periodically easing a baby's crying, however, they just do not seem effective in curing the actual condition.
Today there has been very little change in the diagnosis of Colic, and they still have not found a cause for this condition. Medical experts claim that there is no known treatment for Colic, while the medical community estimates that approximately 25% of the baby population has this condition. Over the years, there have been many people who have claimed to have found various treatments for symptoms such as gripe water, gas drops, simethecone drops, colic calm, and a few others others. However, the overall opinion is that these treatments are overall ineffective and unpredictable in treating what is still known as colic.
The medical community has ruled out the use of medication for colic because of side effects that could potentially cause serious harm to the baby. They maintain that this condition should self-correct itself in about three months, and again, do not recommend the use of medication. This being said, we now see many homeopathic remedies strongly promoted because they do not seem to create any harmful effects that will hurt the baby. The downside is that the homeopathic remedies do not help fix colic either, they actually, in many cases, have made the colic worse.
Various other things have been invented to help with colic, such as swings that keep the baby in an elevated position and keep the baby in constant motion. Other products, such as blankets for swaddling or carrying the baby around in an upright position could also help. These inventions have, in many cases, proved helpful in soothing the baby, but it have never proven to treat the actual condition or eliminate the cause; they are mainly soothing techniques.
Dr. Harvey Karp has written a book called "5 S's". The S's represent the five main soothing techniques for easing some of the crying associated with colic, but they too have never proven to eliminate the cause of the condition. Dr. Karp also has some interesting theories about colic, one of which being that babies are born three months early. He feels that babies should be born at twelve months instead of nine because the babies digestive system is premature. Since colic is only supposed to last approximately three months, then theoretically at twelve months the problems associated with colic would no longer exist. If people are interested in more of Dr. Karp’s soothing techniques or his opinions on colic, he has written several books on the subject, which can be easily purchased. As far as my experience with these soothing techniques goes, I find that they can be helpful in periodically easing a baby's crying, however, they just do not seem effective in curing the actual condition.
Colic Treatments that May Help Temporarily
Click the link below to read more about the following techniques that may temporarily help with Colic and Acid Reflux:
1.) The Five S's (Soothing Techniques that May Help your Baby)
2.) Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment
3.) Medicinal Treatments
1.) The Five S's (Soothing Techniques that May Help your Baby)
2.) Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment
3.) Medicinal Treatments